Eye Care for Diabetics

Eye Care Services

If you have diabetes, you likely know that there are some extra little things you need to do every day to stay healthy. Tweaking your exercise, managing sugar intake, and eating right are all crucial when it comes to managing your diabetes. Alternatively, if you have recently been diagnosed with diabetes, you may still be…

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Eye doctor examining a patient

Why Would I Need Eye Exercises?

Eye Care Services

Many people utilize eye exercises to keep their eyes sharp. And though you may not be familiar with eye exercises, you may know people who use them. For example, did you know that snipers often utilize a small set of exercises that help them focus on objects far away, and which also support stress management?…

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Close up of a blue eye

Keeping Your Eyes Healthy This Winter

Eye Care Services, Eye Exam

All around the country, people are bundling up and scurrying from building to building, trying to stay warm. Thankfully, we live in Florida and can avoid the worst of the problems that come along with winter. But if you’re planning on visiting family this winter, or just taking a cold weather vacation to a cooler…

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Woman bundled up for winter

Macular Degeneration FAQs

Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration is a disease we are still learning about. Even though we may not know everything about it, we do know enough to help those who suffer from it. Macular Degeneration is an age-related illness that is the leading cause of vision loss in Americans today. This unfortunate disease affects millions of Americans and,…

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Senior Eye Care Jacksonville, FL

How Long Will My Vision Change?

Eye Care Services, Eye Exam

Your prescription may change every year, then stay stable for a few years. It’s all normal, and when your eyes are healthy, your prescription can still change. Understanding the different phases of life that affect our eyes might help you understand what to expect as you come back every year for your appointments. Keep reading…

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Eye Care Jacksonville, FL

Digital Eye Strain and Computers

Eye Care Services

More and more daily life is spent on screens. We work on computers and find recipes for dinner on our cell phones. We even find jobs and meet friends and find new romantic partners, all with the help of a little digital screen. But just because we can spend our whole lives on screens, doesn’t…

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Digital Eye Strain and Computers Jacksonville, FL

Keratitis: Dangerous Inflammation

Vision Disorders

As you get older, you start noticing those little aches and issues that people older than you have been mentioning for years. Waking up with a crick in the neck becomes more common, and a loss of flexibility seems impossible to avoid. Especially when it comes to our eyes, those things that help us navigate…

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Common Vision Disorders Jacksonville, FL

Do I have a Stye?

Vision Disorders

So often do we forget how awesome our eyes are. We play sports, squint in bright light, drive in the dark, and work in the garden usually without any fuss. We’re able to see what we need to, whether it’s a small detail in a piece of art or a large pattern of buildings on…

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Common Vision Disorders Jacksonville, FL

Am I A Good Candidate for LASIK?


So, you’re finally ready to ditch the glasses, throw out the contact lenses, and get LASIK. We can’t blame you. Waking up in the morning and being able to see immediately is something a lot of us wish we had. Thankfully, you don’t have to be born with perfect vision to be able to have…

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LASIK Jacksonville, FL

Is It Time To Ditch Your Eyeglasses?


With summer just around the corner, you are probably thinking about adding a few outfits to your wardrobe, getting your body in shape and ways to spend those wonderful summer nights. With so much emphasis on looking your best is it time to ditch your eyeglasses and have the LASIK vision correction that you have been…

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LASIK Jacksonville, FL