Who is a Good Candidate for Refractive Lens Exchange?

Eye Exam

Do you wish you could see without glasses or contacts? With refractive lens exchange (RLE), you can reduce your dependence on prescription lenses and say hello to a lifetime of crisp, sharp vision. However, like other refractive procedures, not everyone is a good candidate for RLE. Keep reading to learn more about refractive lens exchange,…

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How Does Diabetic Eye Disease Affect Your Eyes?

Eye Exam, Eye Health

Diabetes is a chronic condition that not only affects your body but can also affect your eyes. The less control you have over your blood glucose levels or the longer you have diabetes, the more likely you are to develop diabetic eye disease. Diabetic eye disease is a potentially serious eye condition that can cause…

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Diabetic Retinopathy Image

What Should I Expect at My Next Eye Exam?

Eye Care Services, Eye Exam

Frequent eye exams are essential in safeguarding your vision and general health. They’re painless, minimally invasive, and take around an hour to complete.  If it’s time for your next eye exam, it helps to know what to expect. That way, you can go prepared and get the most out of your appointment. Keep reading to…

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Man having his eye examined

October is Halloween Safety Month

Eye Care Services, Eye Exam, Eye Health

Halloween is right around the corner, meaning that most people are already rushing to prepare for their perfect costumes. However, not everybody is so excited about Halloween, and some are more worried about the dangers it poses. In fact, the American Academy of Ophthalmology is not so keen on Halloween, especially the increase in the…

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Halloween Safety Month

March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month

Eye Care Services, Eye Exam

Data provided by the CDC shows that more than 2,000 people sustain an eye injury while on the job every day. Welding equipment causes around 15,000 eye injuries every year. Power tools are second on the list, as they are responsible for about 10,000 injuries. These numbers point to an alarming fact: not enough has…

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January Is Glaucoma Awareness Month!

Eye Exam, glaucoma

Glaucoma usually strikes with no warning. It can cause significant harm and impair your vision before you even notice that something’s changed. Thus, it is pivotal to learn as much about this condition as possible. There is no better time to do that than January — the glaucoma awareness month.   Here are the three…

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National Glaucoma Awareness Month in January with Green ribbon on helping hand