What Is KAMRA Vision?

Eye Care Services, Eye Health, KAMRA Inlay

There’s no denying that, as we age, our eyes become much weaker, and our vision deteriorates. In fact, according to research, adults over the age of 40 are prone to near vision impairment due to a thickening of the natural lens within the eye. As a result, many people are having trouble reading or even…

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Man straining his eyes looking at a computer screen

What is the Kamra inlay?


Patients who deal with the inability to read without reading glasses may want to find a way to free themselves from dealing with eyeglasses to enjoy their favorite activities. In situations such as this, our team at Jacksonville Eye Center may recommend the placement of the Kamra inlay. What is the Kamra inlay? Dr. Robert…

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FAQs of the KAMRA inlay for vision correction


If you are tired of using reading glasses to see clearly, you may be interested in learning more about the options available to you for improving your vision and clarity. With the KAMRA inlay, many Jacksonville, FL area patients are achieving better eyesight and ditching their reading glasses for good! What is the KAMRA inlay?…

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Woman holding her hands in a heart shape

Using the Kamra Inlay to Eliminate the Need for Reading Glasses


Patients who wear reading glasses may be tired of carrying them around while they’re out and about to read restaurant menus or medical forms at their doctor’s office. At Jacksonville Eye Center, Dr. Robert Schnipper is pleased to offer other options for treatment when it comes to improving reading vision. One solution is the KAMRA…

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Woman having trouble reading prescription on a bottle