Eye Care Services, Eye Health, KAMRA Inlay

There’s no denying that, as we age, our eyes become much weaker, and our vision deteriorates. In fact, according to research, adults over the age of 40 are prone to near vision impairment due to a thickening of the natural lens within the eye. As a result, many people are having trouble reading or even using their phones.

However, while glasses are the go-to solution for most vision problems, they are not a permanent fix. Luckily, a new and innovative procedure called KAMRA Vision promises to relieve near vision issues. But let’s take a closer look and see how reliable KAMRA Vision truly is.

What Is KAMRA Vision?

KAMRA Vision is an FDA-approved eye procedure whose purpose is to correct near vision problems and allow patients to read without using glasses. The way it works is simple yet highly effective and revolves around a device called KAMRA Inlay. This tiny, ring-shaped device gets placed in the cornea, which is the clear tissue at the front of the eye. Through its small opening, KAMRA Inlay allows focused light to enter your eye, which improves near vision without damaging distance vision.

What Should I Expect from the Procedure?

The KAMRA Inlay installation usually takes no longer than 20 minutes and is 100% painless. Firstly, the doctor will use numbing drops to ensure that you won’t feel any pain during the procedure. Then, he uses a laser to create a small opening inside your cornea, during which you might feel a bit of pressure. Afterward, the doctor places the Inlay inside your cornea and checks if everything is as it should be.

Once the procedure is done and the numbing agent wears off, your eye might feel scratchy. You might also experience sensitivity to light and excessive tearing, which is perfectly normal and can be relieved with the provided medication.


Like any other eye procedure, healing takes a bit of time. But usually, you will be able to resume your normal activities within 24 to 48 hours after the procedure. However, it is essential to listen to the doctor’s advice to accelerate the healing process. It’s also important to remember that recovery varies from one person to another. In other words, while some patients might notice an improvement within the first week or month, others might need significantly more time to heal.

Additionally, you may notice a few changes in your vision in the first week’s post-surgery. Those are completely normal and are, in fact, signs that your brain is adjusting to the new vision. Therefore, you don’t have to worry if you experience trouble with near or distance vision since it will slowly get better if you avoid reading glasses and use artificial tears.

Who Is a Good Candidate for KAMRA Vision?

Generally speaking, anyone aged 40 to 60 who has noticed signs of presbyopia is an ideal candidate for KAMRA Vision. So, if you are using reading glasses or require distance correction, you can improve your vision using KAMRA Inlay. Just make sure to get the opinion of a professional before you jump in with the procedure, as they can decide if KAMRA is right for you.

To Conclude

Overall, KAMRA Vision is the perfect solution for anyone who experiences presbyopia. Not only is it a safe procedure, but it is also extremely effective in treating near-vision problems. And while it can take a while to get used to your new vision, you will never want to go back to reading glasses.

Ready to experience proper near vision again? Then it’s time to request a consultation with Dr. Schnipper.