Can I Have a Cataract More than Once?


Are you getting ready to undergo cataract surgery? Or is your vision blurred or hazy weeks, months, or years following your cataract procedure? You may be wondering whether you can have a cataract more than once. Keep reading to learn more about cataracts and whether they can return after removal! What is a Cataract? A…

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Eye with cataract

Do Cataracts Come with Warning Signs? 


Is your vision blurred? Does light from the sun, oncoming headlights, or street lights affect how well you can see?  You may have a cataract. Cataracts typically form as you age, but they can also develop early due to various factors, including eye injury or prolonged sun exposure.  Keep reading to learn more about cataracts,…

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Upper Face Of Serious Woman Looking Away

5 Signs It’s Time to Think About Cataract Surgery in Jacksonville


If you are experiencing cataract symptoms or have been recently diagnosed with a cataract, it doesn’t mean that you will need to have cataract surgery right away. Cataracts develop gradually over time, and cataract surgery is typically not recommended until the symptoms begin to interfere with your daily life.  However, it can be hard to…

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Older man looking out a window

Does Everyone Need to Have Cataract Surgery?


Like gray hair and wrinkles, cataracts are an inevitable part of the aging process. Because of this, there is no way to prevent them. Eventually, everyone will develop cataracts. The only way to treat a cataract is through cataract surgery.  Cataract surgery has become one of the most common and effective eye-related procedures available. Keep…

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Cataract surgery in progress

FAQs about cataracts


At Jacksonville Eye Center, our team is here to help patients in achieving and maintaining good eye and vision health. This means knowing about certain conditions that can impact your vision or cause your eye to become unhealthy. One common condition seen in our practice is that of cataracts, and our patients often have questions…

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Happy senior woman outside