Aging eyes and senior eye care
Cataracts, Eye Exam, Macular Degeneration, Vision Disorders
Over the years, the eyes can change dramatically. Several conditions can develop with time, especially if the eyes have been injured. However, differences in eye vision become more prominent as one ages. Adult patients over the age of 40 experience more rapid changes to their eyes due to the natural process of aging, and should…
Read MoreKeeping Your Eyes Healthy This Winter
All around the country, people are bundling up and scurrying from building to building, trying to stay warm. Thankfully, we live in Florida and can avoid the worst of the problems that come along with winter. But if you’re planning on visiting family this winter, or just taking a cold weather vacation to a cooler…
Read MoreHow Long Will My Vision Change?
Your prescription may change every year, then stay stable for a few years. It’s all normal, and when your eyes are healthy, your prescription can still change. Understanding the different phases of life that affect our eyes might help you understand what to expect as you come back every year for your appointments. Keep reading…
Read MoreIs It Time For Your Eye Exam?
Spring is upon us, and hopefully you are already enjoying more time outdoors. Leaves burst from every branch, and little flower buds emerge from delicate stems. If you are unable to see these finer details of the season, perhaps it is time for an eye exam. Here are our recommendations for eye care services at…
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