What Causes Red Eye in Flash Photography?


Have you ever wondered what causes eyes to appear red in photos? Usually this happens indoors or at night when the pupils are more dilated than usual. The light from camera flashes are generally located only a few inches from the camera’s lens. When the flash goes off, light goes straight into the pupil and…

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March is National Save Your Vision Month


March is National Save Your Vision Month. While many of us think that having good vision simply means that our eyes are healthy, that is not always the case. Regular comprehensive eye exams can ensure that you not only keep your vision in great shape, but that you keep your eyes, and ultimately your body,…

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Keeping Your Eyes Healthy During National Nutrition Month & Beyond


During the month of March the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics encourages individuals to focus their attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating habits during National Nutrition Month. By eating right, you also increase the opportunity to protect your vision by adding sight-saving nutrients to your daily diet. Fruits,…

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Exercise & Your Eyes


With the New Year in full swing, some of those resolutions we made might have gone by the wayside. But if getting into shape was one of your goals for 2013, there are plenty of reasons not to break that resolution, healthy eyesight being one of them. Most of us are aware that even just…

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February is Age-related Macular Degeneration Awareness Month


Over 9 million people in the U.S. have age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which is a painless eye disease that is the leading cause of blindness in people over 65 years of age. That statistic is expected to double over the next decade as baby boomers begin heading into retirement. Those living with AMD often ignore…

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January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month


January is National Glaucoma Awarness Month. It is an important time to spread the word and raise awareness about glaucoma, which is considered a thief of sight. There are virtually no symptoms associated with the disease and once vision is lost, it is gone for good. As much as 40% of one’s vision can be…

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Resolve for Healthier Vision in 2013


Each year most of us resolve to make changes that will result in longer, happier and healthier lives. Most people are determined that with the start of a new year they’ll lose weight or kick unhealthy habits. This year why not add eye health to your resolutions? Here’s a list of easy tips and simple…

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Keeping Your Eyes Safe This Holiday Season


The holiday season is in full effect and for most of us it’s a time that we all look forward to as it means attending parties, relaxing, and spending time with the people we love most. It is meant to be a time of joy and celebration. Do not let preventable eye injuries ruin your…

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How Lack Of Sleep Affects Your Vision


In today’s fast paced and hectic world it is very common to miss out on getting enough restful sleep each night. The challenge of balancing proper rest with everything else that needs to get done in a day can be very tricky. However, many are not aware that not getting enough rest can wreak havoc…

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