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Children’s and Adolescent Eye Care

Kids Eye Exams

A comprehensive pediatric eye exam can diagnose many different vision disorders. Some of the more common eye conditions in children are: Your child may be nearsighted (myopia), farsighted (hyperopia) or have astigmatism. It is important that children who need glasses, wear them full time when they are young to develop good vision in each eye and three-dimensional vision. Dr. Schnipper and Dr. Brown offer comprehensive Eye Exams for children of all ages.

During your child’s comprehensive eye exam, visual acuity will be tested. This test measures the smallest object each eye can see at a certain distance. Normally, each eye will be done individually by covering one eye at a time. It may be necessary to tape a patch over a child’s eye to keep him from peeking. There are two types of charts used when testing children’s visions.

Happy kids

The Snellen Chart

The use of the Snellen chart is the most common way to test visual acuity. This chart letters and numbers that decrease in size. When taking the test, the distance between the patient and the chart is 20 feet. 20/20 vision is normal. If a person has 20/40 vision, they see at twenty feet what a normal eye sees at forty feet. If a person has 20/200 vision, they are legally blind. They only see at twenty feet what a normal eye sees at two hundred feet. If they have 20/15 vision, they see better than normal. They see at twenty feet what the normal eye would have to bring in to fifteen feet to see.

The Tumbling E Chart

For children that do not know letters and numbers, they can be tested with the Tumbling E chart. To take this test, the child points his/her finger in the same direction as the E is pointing. Children who are younger than four may have trouble with this test so there are several different tests used to obtain a child’s accurate visual acuity.

What Else Is Tested During A Child’s Eye Exam?

On top of the chart tests, Dr. Schnipper will conduct further tests to ensure that your child is properly diagnosed. These tests will include:

When to Schedule An Eye Exam for Your Child

If your child is experiencing any of the following symptoms, schedule your appointment today at Jacksonville Eye Center.

What Are Common Eye Problems in Children?

As stated above, early detection, diagnosis, and proper treatment are critical in preserving your children’s ocular health. Unfortunately, there are many conditions to look out for when it comes to your child’s vision. Two common disorders include Amblyopia and Strabismus.


Amblyopia or “lazy eye” – Amblyopia occurs when the vision is reduced in one eye, causing it to be weaker than the other. This can occur because there is a difference in prescription between the 2 eyes and one eye becomes more dominant. Or, amblyopia can occur because of strabismus, or misaligned eyes. If an eye turns in or out, it does not see as clearly as the straight one and becomes weaker. Rarely, cataracts or severely droopy eyelids can cause amblyopia as well.

The main treatment for amblyopia is patching the stronger, more dominant eye to allow the weaker eye a chance to gain vision. Dilating drops can also be used in some cases to blur the vision in the better eye, in essence working as a patch.

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Strabismus or misaligned eyes – Eyes can cross in (esotropia), drift out (exotropia) or be higher or lower than the other (hypertropia or hypotropia). For specific kinds of strabismus, glasses are sufficient to straighten a child’s eyes, otherwise, eye muscle surgery is required.

Ocular abnormalities

Rarely, children can also develop cataracts, retinal or optic nerve problems, which can also decrease their vision.

Schedule a Consultation

For more information about children and adolescent eye care, contact Jacksonville Eye Center. Our office is looking forward to help you with any questions or concerns you may have, as well as scheduling a consultation. You can contact us at 904-355-5555.