Do you wear glasses or contacts? If you do, you know how much of a bother they can be. 

Glasses and contacts aren’t something you can just put on in the morning and forget about the rest of the day. They can be downright inconvenient, from having to wipe fogged-up glasses to wasting time buying new lenses. 

Did you know that every year, 700,000 people choose to leave their visual aids behind in favor of permanent vision correction? You’ve no doubt heard of LASIK, but have you taken a moment to consider how one of these procedures can improve your daily life?

Whether you are nearsighted, farsighted, or have astigmatism, LASIK is the long-term solution you’ve been hoping for. Keep reading to find out why vision correction is the ultimate investment!

1. It Saves You Money

There’s a misconception that LASIK is more expensive than glasses or contacts. If you only compared the cost of the procedure to a single pair of glasses or contacts, you’d be right. 

However, once you look at the big picture, it becomes apparent that LASIK can save you money, especially throughout your lifetime. If you think about it, you probably spend more than you realize on your glasses or contacts. 

There’s not just the cost of a new pair of frames or a supply of contacts, which can already take a toll on your wallet. On average, you must buy a new pair of glasses every one to three years, or much sooner if they become lost or damaged. 

If you’re like most people, you need a new pair more often than you’d like. Did your favorite pair become scratched so you can no longer see through them? Everyone has been there if they wear glasses.

Most people that wear glasses also wear contacts at least some of the time. That means you also have to buy cleaning solution and cases. 

You also have to schedule regular appointments to ensure your prescription is updated. Then there are optional purchases like prescription sunglasses. 

Instead of letting these costs stack up, LASIK is a one-time investment you make in yourself, and it’s meant to last a lifetime. If there’s anything worth investing in, it’s your vision. 

Wouldn’t you like to have more money for the things that matter? Think of what you could buy when you no longer have to spend your hard-earned income on your visual aids.

2. It Boosts Your Confidence

Do you take your glasses off for pictures? If you wear glasses, you have two choices. 

The first is to take a picture with your glasses blocking part of your face and potentially causing glare. The second is to remove them and take a picture with blurry vision and red marks where your glasses were sitting. 

If you wear contacts, they can dry your eyes out, making your eyes appear red or watery. Neither situation is ideal. 

When you look your best, you feel your best. Depending on visual aids to see every day can make you feel self-conscious. 

LASIK can boost your confidence by freeing up your face and putting you back in control of your appearance. All you’ll have to do for the photo is smile. 

3. It Gives You the Best Vision of Your Life

Did you know that most vision correction procedures can provide better vision than your glasses or contacts? With LASIK, you won’t just see as well as you could with your glasses or contacts. There’s the potential to see even better!

As soon as the procedure is complete, you’ll notice an improvement in your vision. Because of the advanced technology, LASIK can offer more precise results than glasses or contacts. 

LASIK corrects your vision far beyond what your prescription was wearing glasses or contact lenses. Imagine having the kind of vision that you’ve only dreamed of! Getting LASIK makes this possible.

More than 90 percent of patients achieve 20/20 vision or better. That’s why LASIK has a 96% patient satisfaction rate, the highest of any elective surgery. 

Do you see as well as you could be with glasses or contacts? The world can become even clearer with LASIK. 

4. It Allows You to Be More Spontaneous 

When you wear glasses or contacts, you have to make special accommodations. You can’t just go for a bike ride or a swim without considering your vision. 

Depending on your activities, there are times when you have to switch from glasses to contacts or take your contacts out, so they don’t get damaged. After all, it’s not like you can swim in your contact lenses. 

The amount of planning that goes into being able to see when you use visual aids can be downright exhausting! After LASIK, many patients can move past the need for glasses or contacts or rely on them less often. 

This means you can be as spontaneous as you want without stopping and thinking about your visual needs. You also won’t have to worry about losing or damaging how you see. Everything you’ll need to see will be yours. It’s simply your eyes!

You will no longer have to take extra steps when preparing for fun or productive activities. Your vision will be ready whenever you are!

5. It Gives You More Time for Yourself

Every moment is precious when you’re getting ready in the morning or unwinding after a long day. Before LASIK, you must devote some time to your vision. 

Using visual aids isn’t just a matter of putting on your glasses or inserting your contacts every day. You also have to keep them clean, reorder cleaning solution when you run out, and buy new ones when necessary. 

Plus, they can easily become misplaced, leaving you to search for them with blurry vision. Those little moments can turn into hours in the blink of an eye.

If you find yourself wishing for more time to do the things you want to do, LASIK can help. There is no maintenance required. It’s the way your vision should be. 

Are you ready to make the ultimate investment in your vision? Schedule a LASIK consultation at Jacksonville Eye Center in Jacksonville, FL, today to find out if you’re a good candidate for LASIK!