November is Diabetic Eye Disease Month


November is Diabetic Eye Disease Month. Diabetic eye disease is one of the major causes of vision loss in adults. When the sugar levels in the blood are high, it is very stressful on the blood vessels all over the body, putting individuals at high risk for heart attack, stroke, and kidney disease. In the…

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October 11th is World Sight Day


World Sight Day is an annual day of awareness created to help focus global attention on blindness, visual impairment and rehabilitation of those with visual impairments. Each year the event is held on the second Thursday of October. World Sight Day is observed globally by those involved in preventing visual impairment or restoring sight. It…

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5 Tips to Help You See Better in The Digital World


When thinking about how to describe the world we live in one word generally comes to mind: connected. Everywhere we go we’re usually carrying around some sort of device that keeps us connected to something important to us. Whether it’s a tablet, smart phone or a computer that we’re using to stay in touch, we…

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August is Cataract Awareness Month


August is National Cataract Awareness Month. During the month of August be sure to focus on your vision and talk to your doctor if you believe you are at risk for cataracts. Since cataracts develop over years, gradual changes in vision can become the norm for most individuals suffering from the condition and therefore become…

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Healthy lens compared to lens with cataracts

The Effects of Indoor Tanning on Your Eyes


Have you been thinking about perhaps getting a jump start on your summer tan by heading to your local tanning salon? Most people know that ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause skin damage and even cancer, but did you know that indoor tanning can also have harmful effects on your eyes? No one thinks twice about…

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