Women’s Eye Health & Safety Month


April is Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month. Did you know that more women suffer from visual impairments than men? Two thirds of blindness occurs in women, fortunately 75% of visual impairment is preventable and/or treatable. One reason why women are affected by more eye health issues than men is because they tend to live…

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LASIK technology improvements lead to better outcomes


Dr. Schnipper of Jacksonville Eye Center highly recommends that all patients take a moment to read  this informative article courtesy of FoxNews.com about the improvements in technology associated with  LASIK eye surgery. Thanks to advancements in LASIK technology over the past decade, patients can  anticipate better results from their procedure. One expert event refers to…

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Foods to help fight AMD


Age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss for those aged 55 and older in the United States, affecting more than 10 million Americans. Age-related macular degeneration is caused by the deterioration of the central portion of the retina, the inside back layer of the eye that records images and sends them via…

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Important tips for contact lens wearers


Are you one of the approximately 36 million Americans who wear contact lenses? Chances are that you went through a mini-course in proper hygiene with your eye doctor when you first obtained your prescription, but if you’re being completely honest, any typical morning might involve waking up, getting dressed, brushing your teeth, throwing in your…

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March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month


March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month. Whether you spend hours in front of a computer or use power tools at your day job, it is always important to keep eye health and safety in mind as the gift of sight is irreplaceable. With more and more individuals depending on technology to accomplish tasks throughout the…

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Tips to protect your eyes this winter


Our eyes are extremely delicate organs, and while most of us often think more about staying warm in the winter months rather than taking care of our eyes, injuries and irritation can just as easily occur in February as in June. Whether you’re hitting the slopes, heading to work or just getting cozy by the…

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Happy woman throwing a snowball

Proper nutrition promotes good eye health


We all know that proper nutrition is crucial in maintaining long-term wellness, and as more and more Americans tackle issue associated with obesity, such as heart disease, diabetes, and even premature death, it is becoming more evident that poor nutrition has a negative effect on health. Proper nutrition isn’t just essential for your overall health,…

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Proper nutrition promotes good eye health

Is there a connection between smartphones and eye strain?


Smartphones and Your Eyes We probably all heard this one as a kid: “Don’t sit too close to the TV or you’ll strain your eyes!” Now fast forward to the age of smartphones, and everyone is constantly looking at a screen that’s only a few inches away from their eyes. Recent studies estimate that half…

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Glaucoma Awareness Month


This month is National Glaucoma Awareness Month. January is an important time to raise awareness and spread the word about glaucoma, its symptoms and its treatment. The disease is considered the “silent thief of sight” as there are virtually no symptoms associated with it and once vision is lost, it’s gone for good. As much…

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