Overall, we do not suggest trying exercises to help support the improvement of vision issues that are caused by the irregular shape of any part of the eye, as exercises are not known to change the shape of the eye. If you’re near-sighted or far-sighted, for example, the cornea of the eye is misshapen, which then causes your vision to be blurry. This is why we wear glasses. What we may recommend, though, are exercises that support the eyes working together better. Certain exercises or tips can be extremely useful. If you were a young kid with a lazy eye, you may have had to wear an eye patch, for example.
What may be helped with eye exercises:
- blurry vision
- sensitivity to light
- eyestrain
What may not be helped with eye exercises:
- squinting
- eye spasms
- excessive blinking
- eye muscles that are paralyzed
Additionally, it’s worth noting that dyslexia will not be helped with eye exercises, as we know that dyslexia is caused by the brain, as opposed to an issue with the eyes.
What kind of exercises you might be asked to try:
- Adjust focus from an object near to an object far away
- Cover one eye and look at various objects
- Focus on a single object
Follow a pattern
If you think you have an eye issue that may benefit from regular exercise, it may be worth investigating. Exploring all of your options can help you find the right treatment for you. Take note that some conditions will require corrective lenses or even surgery to fix. Call us today at (904) 355-5555 to schedule a consultation.